MRU Cluster : A MR Urography Analysis System

MRUCluster is a software to help Radiologists, Urologists, Nephrologists or Researchers to analyze the MRU (Magnetic Resonance Urography) data. MRUCluster is based on 3D clustering technique and provide the functions of segmentation, parameters computation and visualization.

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System Overview

The MRU Cluster System includes four modules:Pre- Processing, Clustering and Segmentation, Parameters Analysis and Visulization.

A Example of Visulization:

More Demo Videos


Yang Tang, Priyank Sharma, Hollie Jackson, Roger E. De Filippo, Marvin Nelson, Rex Moats. Towards Quantitative Renal Assessment with MR Urography in Pediatric Research,Meaningful Use of Complex Medical Data Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, August 26-27,2011,(Oral Presentation,accepted as issue of Jounral of Critial Care)